I am a Basic Partner:
As Basic Partner, you are entitled to review only your own support request. It is not possible to review all the Organization Requests. How can I access to the Ticketing Portal?
I am an Elite Partner:
Once logged in the Ticketing Portal, you will find all the relevant details of your activity in the “My activities” section (top right corner).
Here you will be able to select between:
- My requests: will show you all support requests logged by you.
- Requests I’m CC’d on: will give you visibility on a support request logged by another user but you have been added to the email thread.
- Organization Requests: will enable you to see all support requests for your organization logged by all users.
And filter per ticket status:
- Open: the ticket has been assigned to an engineer and the analysis is in progress.
- Awaiting your reply (Pending): the engineer is waiting for additional information from your side, or for an update from a Microsoft engineer.
- Solved: the incident has been resolved, you will receive a confirmation email together with a short Satisfaction Survey.
You will be shown the ticket summary and you will receive also a confirmation email. You can reply on the email or place your response and add additional information/attachments in the Ticketing Portal.